Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor. 1. What characteristic about yourself has either been strengthened…

So, I got a new toy. Well, not so much a toy as a tool, but really it…
Grateful Friday
1. We escalated the “dragging of feet” issue even higher up the chain at USAA and there is…
MilSpouse Friday Fill-in #13
Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor. 1. How do you spend your deployment money, do…
35 random things
I was tagged, but instead of tagging anyone and making them feel pressured to participate, how about anyone…
Yes, it’s me Lacey. No, I am not dead. Yes, I miss you all too. Sigh. Life is…
Grateful Friday
1. Everything we bought for the house today was on sale (fridge, washer, dryer, pedestals, bedroom fans and…
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #12
Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor. 1. Do you set goals for yourself…
Grateful Friday
1. New friends. 2. Jacey enjoyed her first week at school and seems to like her main teacher…
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #11
Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor. 1. What is a weird/funny superstition that you have?…
Grateful Friday (just a *little* late:)
1. Jacey’s new 3rd grade teacher seems great and does individualized instruction. Jacey also doesn’t have to take…
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #10
Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor. 1. What secret indulgence do you act on while…
Grateful Friday
1. Jacey is all registered for school and we meet her teacher next week. 2. We have a…
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #9
Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor. 1. If you could be a fugitive from the…

1, 2 & 3
Anyone have any programs they’d recommend to convert video to flash? I am not happy with the one…
no sleep = cranky Lacey
It’s 3:41 and I have been awake since oh, midnight something. Mind you, we didn’t even go to…
Grateful Friday
1. We got a spot in one of the cottages on main base and get out of this…
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #8
Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor. 1. What is ONE thing you’d like civilians to…
As much as I hate to admit it, I need an intervention. I also think I need a…

Viva Las Vegas
Beware, this post is going to be picture heavy. Also, please remember all but two of…