This year, I decided to tackle our yearly family picture. I needed one ASAP for our Christmas cards…
Jacey playing Jumpstart Explorer’s…. “Shrimp stands for happiness in China……eating shrimp makes me happy!”

Apparently Jacey has the chickenpox. Jacey goes to the School Age Program (referred to as SAP from here…
From this… To this… So, my baby girl is 6 now…my how time flies. I can still remember…
Happy Halloween
Isn’t my little kitty cat cute:-) We headed out to Orangefest for the 2nd year and had a…
First Day of Kindergarten
So, I’m late…what’s new lately!?! Jacey started school on the 20th and likes it so far. I on…
“Saving is good, because if you spend all your money, you can’t be anything but a Mom or…
dumb or delusional part 2
Well, I let them get it…Jacey is now the proud owner of a cat. I am still not…
Does it say ANYTHING that I started this post on Saturday evening and here is is now, Monday…
the munchkin
Jacey is so funny sometimes… We didn’t really tell her about the whole time change thing. I figured,…
T minus 4 days
Happy Valentine’s Day to all!! Bryan actually prepared this year, before he went TDY! I was so proud…
a small update
Didn’t realize I had abandoned the poor blog for as long as I have till my *loving* husband…
Bryan made it to Vegas yesterday, safe and sound…his new home for the next 3.5 weeks. Gotta love…
the LONG & SHORT of it
For weeks now, Jacey has been begging us to get her hair cut. I wasn’t against it at…
I am so SICK of this….it feels like Jacey has been sick non-stop since starting school back in…
Christmas is…
officially over! The tree is down and the house is *mostly* back to normal. I still need to…
2 more sleeps…
{Christmas} Only 2 more sleeps till Christmas…are you ready? Jacey is FINALLY getting excited about it, I was…
What a whirlwind of life here lately! I kept meaning to post about Jacey’s and my birthday but…
5 Years Ago Today
5 years ago today, I was scared out of my mind. Unsure of the future but ecstatic about…
One more picture…
Meant to share this in my last post but now I am too lazy to go back and…