First Day of Kindergarten
So, I’m late…what’s new lately!?!
Jacey started school on the 20th and likes it so far. I on the other hand am quite disappointed. There are children in her classroom that do not know their colors, numbers, letters, etc. Jacey can read, do basic addition and subtraction already! They also sent home an expectation sheet for the year…the only thing on the entire sheet (broken down by quarters of the school year) she can’t already do proficiently is count by two’s. I am really worried that she is going to regress again this year like she did last year in pre-K. Okaloosa County may be the number one district in the state but they are also possibly the worst on allowing testing of a child for grade promotion, etc. I am trying to be patient and give it a few weeks to see just how much the teacher works individually with the kids but my ugly overprotective mommy-head is rearing quickly.
On another note, life is crazy! Last Friday, Jacey finished swim lessons. Passed level 2 with no issues and the instructor even sent us home with some training exercises. She really thinks that if Jacey enjoys swimming, she is good enough to do swim team. I think we are going to pursue it but in the spring. I am not quite sure that I could handle much more right now…LOL!
Tomorrow, Jacey starts CAMP (Christian Arts & Music program). It is offered by the chapel here on base every Thursday. They pick up the kids from school and the program goes till 5pm with activities and snacks. And it is free to boot. I am anxious to see how she likes it!
Anyhow, there’s not much cohesion to this post but at least I finally got something written. I have only been sitting on this post for 5 days now…sad isn’t it?! I am going to head to bed now and hopefully get something better written tomorrow.

Yay for kindergarten! (I’d say more, but my Starbucks hasn’t kicked in yet.)
I can not believe how tall she is! Absolutely beautiful! Connor was asking about her just the other day!