Since J and I came back from New York, I decided to take a Facebook hiatus and you…

the strength of an Air Force Brat
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I’ll miss you Until we…

My daughter is a character, through and through. So full of personality and life. Unfortunately, with that also…

and Zoey makes 4
About a month ago, we brought home this cutie. Of course, now she looks much different in her…

double digit daughter
My sweet, baby girl turned 10 today! I think I am in denial that time has moved so…

how did that happen?
My munchkin, my dear sweet miracle baby is no longer a baby. When did that happen? …
swim team diva
Jacey has a history of trying an activity and not liking it. I am the type of parent…
Happy 9th Birthday, Jacey!
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my sweet baby girl
I just have to say, I am truly blessed. Jacey is a wonderful little girl, loving, bright, intelligent…

1, 2 & 3
Anyone have any programs they’d recommend to convert video to flash? I am not happy with the one…
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i’m alive…
I think…LOL! Work is nuts, you can definitely tell it is our busy season. My boss today informed…
Tuesday Tidbits
Today was a not so great day. Started off great, but let’s just say boiled eggs are no…
Tuesday Tidbits
Is it geeky that I am excited for my new GPS to get here tomorrow?? Guess my GRLGEEK…

My Birthday Girl
Happy 8th birthday baby girl! (excuse the iPhone pic, I’ll get the ones off the other camera later)
Jacey’s Boosterthon Fun Run
So today, we have a guest writer. Beware, she only comes around when she is seeking money. 7…
Tuesday Tidbits
Sigh. Today I had my doc appt with my surgeon. I went into it knowing I had gained…
Tuesday Tidbits
I am officially married to a college student now and instead of only taking one class this session…