For the new readers to my blog, Grateful Friday is a prompt for you to list at least…
found it…
My blog that is:-). Been a busy several days around here. Got my laptop on Friday and I…
tweedle dee tweedle dum
2006_07-BOM-28-day-challenge-thedigichick-final{jul2006}flickr Originally uploaded by midgetprincess79. Why is it that normally my days fly but when I am waiting…
where is my baby?!?!
Dsc02688-edited (Custom) (2) Originally uploaded by midgetprincess79. She’s definitely not here anymore…*sniff* :-) I cannot believe how grown…
Happy 4th of July and THANK YOU!
Well, I have already had my cry for the morning. I went to Laura’s blog and she has…
dude, I’m getting a Dell!
LOL! As corny as it may be, I have always wanted to use that line and now I…
Story of me
From Paula… Part 1: Birth Were you a planned baby? ummm…nope Were you the first?: Yes Who was…
another quiz thingy….
found on Jen’s blog 1. FIRST NAME? Lacey 2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? not that I have…
June pics of Jacey
Just a few of my most favorite recent pictures of Jacey :-)
May and June in review
Wow, I cannot believe that it is already the end of June. Goodness, where has this year gone?… – Boy Dies After Riding Disney Roller Coaster – Boy Dies After Riding Disney Roller Coaster – Local News | News Articles | National News…
Man, it is thundering like crazy out there! Looks like it might pour too but so far nada….
Well, I changed up my banner but don’t like it…will work more on it later when I have…
bye, bye paper….
Well, I said that if I hadn’t touched my paper stuff in 6 months I would get rid…
So I’ve been drivingÂ? my own vehicle for what, 10 years now and in those 10 years have…
I won, I won :-)
Valerie Fowler – Days Of Eden Mini Album Originally uploaded by midgetprincess79. Valerie had a drawing on her…
JACEY-october2004-halloween{jun2006}flickr Originally uploaded by midgetprincess79. I’m not really happy with how this turned out BUT with as much…
BOM-feb2006-28-day-challenge-thedigichick-week3{jun2006}flickr Originally uploaded by midgetprincess79.
Friday, Friday
Not too terribly much to post about today. I was going to post a LO that I did…
No, I didn’t drop off the face of the planet although it may seem that way. I have…