There will be no miscellaneous Monday today, I am too aggravated to write it. Bryan is not coming…
10, 9, 8…
10 Random Facts About me: 1. I have one tattoo and want one more. 2. I have my…
#6 is complete (101 in 1001)
6. Work out 3 times a week for 3 months. (12/12) See the rest of my list here…

#80 is complete (101 in 1001)
80. Get a canvas print made and hung on my wall. It’s not hung, but it is exactly…

#58 is complete (101 in 1001)
58. Take Jacey to see the Nutcracker. See the rest of my list here…
Grateful Friday
1. 7 more days till Bryan comes home!! 2. The ability to run and the clearing of my…

Christmas Spirit
I have had a heck of a time getting in the Christmas spirit. I don’t know if it…
new wordpress
I just upgraded my wordpress install to 2.7 and LOVE the new dashboard layout…so much more functional! WordPress…
miscellaneous Monday
So, as much as I really didn’t want to make a trip back to Pensacola this soon, I…
How is it that a day can start out so good and turn out so crappy?! That was…
Grateful Friday
1. 14 more days till Bryan comes home!! 2. I can officially run an entire 5K…this is coming…
miscellaneous Monday (on a Wednesday)
Yes, I am behind this week…what’s new!? So Monday, I tackled the rest of my Christmas shopping and…
Grateful Friday
1. 21 more days till Bryan comes home. 2. Thanksgiving with family. 3. New and new (to me)…
and we are off…
J and I head to the airport in about 15 minutes for our flight to Houston. Luckily my…
WLS: 50 pounds gone FOREVER
Today marks 4 month post-op and I am officially 50.4 pounds down. Needless to say, I am thrilled!…

miscellaneous Monday
Today was my final Couch to 5K workout and I am thrilled. These last 3 workouts were supposed…
Grateful Friday
1. 28 more days till Bryan comes home! 2. The wonderful people that surround me daily; ones that…

WLS: progress pics
I have been asked by a few for a few pics of my weight loss progress, so I…
miscellaneous Monday
So, Monday’s are my weigh in day and this one is really cool…not only did I hit my…
#18 is complete (101 in 1001)
18. Send in a Postsecret. This was really cool to do, although it has taken me this long…