I have been itching to go out to the beach and take some pictures since I got my…
Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen things on my grocery list (how I wish it were ONLY thirteen…LOL) 1. milk 2. toaster scrambles…
4 Things About Me!
Tagged by default from Jen…figured I’d better be nice and do it since she is nice enough to…
Grateful Friday
1. That I wasn’t at the dealership this morning….enough said.. 2. a flexible job 3. that I will…
Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen things I did today (just while I was at work)… 1. made cue cards 2. put together…
and then there was LIGHT
Since I have started learning how to take pictures without the flash all the time, I have realized…
Grateful Friday
1. Bryan and I have made it 8 years from our first date and are still going strong….
an anniversary of sorts
Has it really been that long?!? 8 years ago today, Bryan and I met in person and had…
So I am reading Understanding Exposure with a book club on a photography forum and I am really,…
the LONG & SHORT of it
For weeks now, Jacey has been begging us to get her hair cut. I wasn’t against it at…
I am so SICK of this….it feels like Jacey has been sick non-stop since starting school back in…
January desktop
Wow….one of my mothly tasks down on the 1st day of the month! *gasp* If you want this…
*shameless redirect*
Don’t forget to check out my photography blog for random bits of our life and more…in photos. This…
2007 already?!?
I can’t believe that it it 2007 already! It seems like just last week I was trying to…
Grateful Friday
1. I had a MUCH better day today than yesterday. 2. Jacey had a blast ice skating today…
Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen things that are getting on my nerves today… 1. Jacey’s non-stop talking 2. my extreme lack of…
Christmas is…
officially over! The tree is down and the house is *mostly* back to normal. I still need to…
{long day}
It has been a LONG day! I was up at a little before 7am and have been going…
2 more sleeps…
{Christmas} Only 2 more sleeps till Christmas…are you ready? Jacey is FINALLY getting excited about it, I was…
Grateful Friday
1. I only went $17 over budget at the commissary and that was including a $20 spiral honey…