I crossed off 99. Open an ING savings account. tonight and deposited my first $5 into it!! See…
Grateful Friday
1. that I am able to take Tamiflu, so hopefully I won’t get the flu from Jacey 2….
Relay for Life
I’ve always been a big cancer research supporter, too many people that I love have had to battle…
101 in 1001 update
I updated if you care to take a peek! Nothing is completed yet, but they are coming along….
Grateful Friday
1. my anxiety over my biopsy was 10 times worse than the actual procedure 2. the house is…
biopsy #1
So, my bone marrow biopsy and aspiration was today and let’s just say that my anxiety over the…
Grateful Friday
1. We move tomorrow! 2. Contrary to what we were told, Cox isn’t turning off the cable and…
Nana, give Bapa a hug for us!
Bryan got the call this morning that his Nana passed away late last night. He’s doing okay, sad…
so behind.
I am so behind…I apologize to all of you that have been kind enough to email me and…
101 in 1001
So I am jumping on the bandwagon…it is nice to have goals and admittedly, I LOVE lists! Anyone…
Grateful Friday
1. naps 2. wonderful, flexible workplace 3. one more week till we move 4. a medical team with…
my new office
I moved into my new office right before the new year but just finally got it presentable enough…
Jacey is trouble with a capital T. :-) Normally she is a really good kids at school, having…
Grateful Friday
1. Although I now have cancer, it could be worse….it could be a much more serious, aggressive form….
letting go.
So I finally decided to pull myself out of my pity party and hand it over to God….
I just want to say thank you for the outpouring of love and prayers from family, friends AND…
medical mystery…part deux
So, I went in today for the results of my recent flow cytometry test. At 28 years old,…
1..2..10 things about me
Ten Things People Won’t Guess By Just Looking At You 1. I am bipolar 2. I am 28…