101 in 1001
So I am jumping on the bandwagon…it is nice to have goals and admittedly, I LOVE lists! Anyone care to join me?The mission should you choose to accept…
- Complete 101 preset tasks in 1001 days.
The criteria…
- Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable, or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of effort on your part).
Between February 1, 2008 and October 29, 2010 (my 31st birthday…eek), these are the things I want to accomplish! I will update weekly as I get things completed.
In Progress items will look like this.
Completed items will look like this.
1. Get 5 people to register for the National Marrow Donor Program. (0/5)
2. Post on my main blog weekly. (0/143)
3. Complete the Gate-to-Gate run.
4. Run the Gate-to-Gate run.
5. Lose 70 pounds. (0/70)
6. Work out 3 times a week for 3 months. (0/12)
7. Get my nose pierced.
8. Go scuba diving.
9. Go sky-diving.
10. Drink only 1 soda a week for 6 months. (0/24)
11. Read 60 books. (0/60)
12. Try something new at a restaurant.
13. Go to the theatre and see a show.
14. Give up fast food for a month. (0/4)
15. Do not cut my hair except trims.
16. Read the Bible cover to cover.
17. Join a Bible Study/Small Group and stick with it for a semester.
18. Send in a Postsecret.
19. Start taking taekwondo.
20. Ride in a hot-air balloon.
21. Be in bed before 10:30pm for a month. (0/30)
22. Get a pedicure once a month for 6 months. (0/6)
23. See my therapist at least 6 times a year.
24. Floss for 30 days straight. (0/30)
25. Drink 4 glasses of water a day for 2 weeks. (0/14)
26. Go to a concert.
27. Shave my legs 3 times a week for 3 months. (0/12)
28. Get my teeth professionally whitened.
29. Take home half of a restaurant meal to eat later 10 times. (0/10)
30. Leave a comment on each of my friends blogs or MySpace pages that I read at least once a week for 2 months. (0/8)
31. Invest in at least a weeks worth of actual pajamas, not t-shirts.
32. Sing karaoke out in public once (totally sober…LOL:-).
33. Watch the sunrise on the beach.
34. Make a cancer awareness bracelet similar to this in orange for my leukemia.
35. Learn to knit.
36. Scrapbook 4 pages a month for 6 months. (0/24)
37. Take a college course in something.
38. Learn back-button focusing.
39. Go out once a month and shoot for ME for 6 months. (0/6)
40. Go Mac.
41. Shoot in M only for a month, no A or S. (0/30)
42. Scan in all my old photos (or pay someone to).
43. Participate in a 26Things activity.
44. Organize and purge our MANY keepsake containers.
45. Organize, purge and tag all my digital scrapbooking supplies.
46. Get a matching tattoo with Bryan.
47. Take Bryan to the Melting Pot.
48. Go on dates with Bryan twice every month (actually hire a babysitter and go). (0/64)
49. Renew our vows at 10 years (July 31, 2009).
50. Go on a cruise with only Bryan again.
51. Leave a love note for Bryan hidden randomly once a month. (0/32)
52. Have a family outing day once a month. (0/32)
53. Take Jacey to see the Nutcracker.
54. Turn the TV off completely for a week.
55. Take a road trip along Route 66.
56. Go a week without the internet (at home) by choice :-).
57. Go horseback riding.
58. Go camping…real camping in a tent!
59. Go to NYC for a vacation.
60. Get family photos done with a photographer I admire.
61. Take Jacey on a cruise.
62. Start a weekly family game night.
63. Leave a note for Jacey hidden randomly once a month. (0/32)
64. Take Jacey to swim with the dolphins at the Gulfarium. Sea World or elsewhere.
65. Participate in 2 Relay for Life Events. (0/2)
66. Do something nice for a stranger anonymously.
67. Do something nice for someone in my family anonymously.
68. Spend Thanksgiving at a soup kitchen.
69. Give a 50% tip for service well done.
70. Pay for someone’s meal in the drive-thru behind me.
71. Participate in a Habitat for Humanity build.
72. Spend Christmas at a soup kitchen.
73. Purge and donate 101 items to Bargain Box, Goodwill, etc. (0/101)
74. Cook at home 4 times a week for 2 months. (0/8)
75. Have $1000 in our main savings.
76. Buy a house.
77. Try one new recipe a month for a year. (0/12)
78. Get a canvas print made and hung on my wall.
79. Decorate our bedroom…finally!
80. Backup off site monthly for a year. (0/12)
81. Update my will.
82. Buy a Wii.
83. Hire a house cleaner for bi-monthly service.
84. Buy jumper cables for my truck.
85. Pay off the truck early.
86. Move to a paperless office (home).
87. Pay off all debt (minus a mortgage and vehicle payment, if applicable).
88. Go an entire month without eating out. (0/30)
89. Organize and purge my Firefox bookmarks.
90. Organize and purge misc files on my computer.
91. Post on the DE blog twice month. (0/64)
92. Have $1000 in my business savings.
93. Go to WPPI.
94. Attend a photography workshop.
95. Upgrade cameras.
96. Buy the 85mm f/1.8 lens.
97. Join a professional organization (PPA, NAPP, etc).
98. Move to a paperless office (business).
Finishing Up
99. Open an ING savings account.
100. Put $5 into said savings for every item I crossed off and then do something fun with it at the end of 1001 days.
101. For every item on the list not completed at the end of the 1001, donate $5 to charity.
I have a permanent link over on the right (101 in 1001) if you want to track my progress. I will also post here anytime I get to cross one off the list!

This rocks! I am jumping on board but going to do 50 things in 365 days. I don’t know if I can do more than that!!! But it will be fun doing it along with ya!!! Thanks for the link too!
Good luck!!! That is an awesome task!!
35. Learn to knit.
Hey lil sister! I think this is a great idea!
I could help ya with #35. even more so if you change knit to crochet. *grin*
Here’s a link to a website that helped me learn the basics of knitting…http://www.knittinghelp.com/
I admit, though….I’m much better at crochet than knitting. Knitting goes much slower.
Love you!