1. We are three steps closer (offer, counter, acceptance of counter) to owning our own home and better…
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #7
Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor. 1. What is something you wished you’d learned to…
we’re alive
I think…LOL! I have been so swamped on this end that getting a blog post out has not…
Grateful Friday
1. We made it to Vegas, safe and sound, the only casualty was Bryan’s windshield…even the frogs made…
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #6
Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor. 1. What is your spouse’s best feature? His smile,…
Grateful Friday
1. All of our obligations in Florida are taken care of and we are ready to go. 2….
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #5
Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor. 1. Besides the horizontal mambo, what do you miss…

Thursday 13: 13 things I have loved about living in Florida
13 things I have loved about living in Florida. 1. Being closer to family. After 3 years…
who thought up this PCS thing anyway?!
It’s 0525. I have been up since 0400. No good reason, just up. Since sleep is apparently not…
Grateful Friday
1. Our vehicles are all detailed and waxed for the impending heat of Vegas. 2. Cut and color…
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #4
Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor. 1. What food reminds you of your spouse?…
Grateful Friday
1. Bryan FINALLY made it home and is DONE with retraining. 2. Date day tomorrow! Bryan is taking…
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #3
Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor. 1. What is your favorite household chore? Huh?…
I need an intervention and not the kind that Ben & Jerry are currently trying to give. While…
Grateful Friday
1. My munchkin is home again…for more than a day! 2. Shopping…LOL! I NEVER thought I would say…
MilSpouse Friday Fill-in #2
Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor. 1. Tell us about your dream job… one…
This is the TDY that neeeeeeeeever ends…
… it goes on and on my friends. Sing it with me…you know you want to now that…
28 more days, can we say o-ver-whelm-ed?
3am, here I sit. Utterly exhausted but too many thoughts are swirling around in my mind to sleep….
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #1
I don’t usually participate in blog meme’s but I thought this one from Wife of Sailor would be…
Grateful Friday
1. Jacey made it home okay, loved flying by herself, had a great time and best of all,…