who thought up this PCS thing anyway?!
It’s 0525. I have been up since 0400. No good reason, just up. Since sleep is apparently not on the high on the list of priorities for my body right now, I thought I would grace you with my presence.
Have I ever told you how much PCS prep sucks?!
Don’t get me wrong, I am looking forward to this move immensely, although right at this exact moment, I can’t differentiate between my desire to move and my desire to have this move over with.
My outlook calendar is bursting with color, my to do lists are never-ending and my energy level is dwindling. Bad combination. I am so very thankful Bryan made it home on the 8th instead of today, as originally expected because I don’t know how I would have gotten it all done without him and not taken someones head off in the process.
Thanks to a TMO (traffic management office for those non-mil types) screw up (who’s surprised…not me), we move to TLF (military temporary living facilities) Monday. Movers come Tuesday and Thursday. Yes, that’s not a typo, Tuesday and Thursday. My house will sit full of boxes and unlivable for a day because somehow Wednesday just totally fell off the radar even though back on June 8th we were booked for July 20th, 21st and 22nd. Only in the military can a day just vanish off the calendar. But…well…yeah, let’s not go there. We hand over the keys to the house on Friday and hit the road to Las Vegas on Sunday.
At this point, Sunday can not get here soon enough. Only 8 days 1 hour 43 minutes until we are on our new journey.
Anyhow, it is now 0551 and I have to be up at 0645, so I suppose I ought to go attempt to lay back down. Bryan and Jacey are headed to the Gulfarium with a friend while I get my last cut and color (I am going to really miss Wendy), then we are all meeting for lunch. Once we get back home, it is back to the to do lists…sigh.
No rest for the weary, uh wicked. Eh!?