I’m behind in posting this, as per the norm here lately. But hey, at least I got the…

20 years. 7 months. 3 days.
21 years ago today, Bryan held up his right hand and swore to uphold the constitution of the…

20 years. the end is drawing near.
7,305 days ago, this baby face made a commitment to his country and the United States Air Force….

on Wednesday’s we go full “hooah” | air force wife life
It’s no secret, that this New Mexico move has been hard on me. The hardest PCS yet. There…

coming fall 2017 :: #thebfamilypartyof3doestx2017
Welp, it’s official. Orders are in hand (finally). The Buchorn’s are headed back to Texas this fall and…

love after 18 years
18 years. Today marks 18 years of marriage to my best friend. 18 years ago, I would have…

Grateful Friday | 06.16.17
1. Piper and Peyton, these two annoying, furry things have been a part of our family for a…

18 down, 2 to go
“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself” -Joseph Campbell…

Miscellaneous Monday
We leave for Hawaii on Wednesday y’all. Nothing is packed and my house is a disaster zone. Breathe,…

and so it begins :: #thebfamilydoesnm2016
It’s official. It’s officially official. Orders are in hand and house is on the market. Oh wait, I…

16 years of mandatory fun
16 years, 2 AFSC’s, 4 PCS’s, 1 deployment, too many TDY’s to count and more gray hairs than…

Protected: MSgt Select
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

15 years of dedication to country.
Today, Bryan achieved 15 years in the United States Air Force. It has been a tough, challenging, exciting, rewarding and…

Air Force FY 2014 Force Shaping
I’ve sat on this post for a long while because I kept hoping something would change. Well, now…

Thank You | Operation Homefront Holiday Meals for Military 2013
Military life is hard, there is no arguing that. There are some bases better than others and community…

goodbye Texas…hello Nevada
Being a military family, you move. Sometimes often. One of the perks though is that most states allow…

MilSpouse (first) Friday Fill-In #73
Feel free to come join in over here! 1. What’s one thing in the past month you would…

MilSpouse (first) Friday Fill-In #72
Feel free to come join in over here! 1. What’s one thing in the past month you would have…

Thursday Thirteen – Thirteen Things On My Agenda Today
Thirteen Things On My Agenda Today 1. Make J’s lunch. 2. Put receipts in Quicken. 3. Take J…

MilSpouse (first) Friday Fill-In #70
Feel free to come join in over here! 1. What’s one thing in the past month you would…