Auf Wiedersehen; Arrivederci; Ciao; Valete; Hasta La Vista We head out to Ohio early tomorrow morning, so I…

#51 is complete (101 in 1001)
51. Take Bryan to the Melting Pot. See the rest of my list here…
Grateful Friday
1. Bryan is home! 2. I am off work until January 5th! 3. We leave for vacation tomorrow….
miscellaneous Monday (on a Friday this time)
Yes, I missed Monday AGAIN…and next Monday, we will be in Ohio most likely without internet access (where…
and so I wait…
Of course, I couldn’t sleep in this morning. I pinged awake at 4am my time (3am Bryan’s) when…
Grateful Friday
1. Bryan comes home in less than 24 hours!! 2. Jacey and I have made it through the…

my guy
I got this from my friend Elizabeth’s blog and thought it was an awesome idea…I know I don’t…
I am much calmer today than I was last night. I (yes, me) even apologized to Bryan for…
There will be no miscellaneous Monday today, I am too aggravated to write it. Bryan is not coming…
10, 9, 8…
10 Random Facts About me: 1. I have one tattoo and want one more. 2. I have my…
#6 is complete (101 in 1001)
6. Work out 3 times a week for 3 months. (12/12) See the rest of my list here…

#80 is complete (101 in 1001)
80. Get a canvas print made and hung on my wall. It’s not hung, but it is exactly…

#58 is complete (101 in 1001)
58. Take Jacey to see the Nutcracker. See the rest of my list here…
Grateful Friday
1. 7 more days till Bryan comes home!! 2. The ability to run and the clearing of my…

Christmas Spirit
I have had a heck of a time getting in the Christmas spirit. I don’t know if it…
new wordpress
I just upgraded my wordpress install to 2.7 and LOVE the new dashboard layout…so much more functional! WordPress…
miscellaneous Monday
So, as much as I really didn’t want to make a trip back to Pensacola this soon, I…
How is it that a day can start out so good and turn out so crappy?! That was…
Grateful Friday
1. 14 more days till Bryan comes home!! 2. I can officially run an entire 5K…this is coming…
miscellaneous Monday (on a Wednesday)
Yes, I am behind this week…what’s new!? So Monday, I tackled the rest of my Christmas shopping and…