I am much calmer today than I was last night. I (yes, me) even apologized to Bryan for overreacting last night. Whie I am still not happy about the change, it could be worse. It could be for longer or it could be him that is going back after Christmas instead of someone else. I agonized over the decision to still have our date night Saturday night with the change (we are going to The Melting Pot with friends) but opted to go ahead and keep the plans. We need some alone time and this will be our last opportunity for about 3 weeks. So, we’ll get Bryan from the airport, pick up some lunch and then he and Jacey can put up the tree before our dinner. Maybe even watch “A Charlie Brown Christmas”.
Otherwise, life is life. Work is crazy but I am taking consolation in the fact that I only have 4 more work days and then 12 consecutive days off…YAY!! We had our annual review today and mine basically said “keep up the excellent work”. I really enjoy working at a place that appreciates and recognizes your effort and has such a wonderful *team* in place.
Today wasn’t a good eating day though. The past two days, I have been way tight..I think it is hormonally related, but who knows. This morning, yogurt was rough going down so I played it safe with mashed potatoes for dinner. I did go work out but opted not to run and instead do the elliptical and recumbent bike. Not sure why, I burn more calories running and exert less effort (in my mind anyway). The elliptical kills me…I’m not sure if it is because I am so short or what but I hate that thing…LOL!
I even managed to do a layout tonight while talking to Bryan as well (no one pass out or anything). I can’t even begin to tell you the last time I scrapped.
The rest of this week is going to continue on its crazy path. Tomorrow is work/school and then I’ll work another hour while Jacey is in choir. Thursday is work/school, my girl’s Christmas lunch/party, Jacey has early release, Jacey’s tennis and I need to start the laundry. Then Friday, Jacey is out of school, so I need to go get bloodwork done early, groceries, clean house, finish laundry and then Jacey’s tennis. Then, Saturday Bryan comes home…YAY!! Hopefully with things being so nuts, time will seem faster…we shall see.

Great layout!! You haven’t lost your touch!! The elliptical machine always kills me too so maybe it is a short thing!
the elliptical is the devil I tell you! :)
Here’s hoping the next three days fly by!
I always LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your layouts! Hope the next three days fly by faster than you can imagine, and that your twelve days off go by slowly!