a small update
Didn’t realize I had abandoned the poor blog for as long as I have till my *loving* husband pointed it out…LOL!
Things are going okay, just crazy busy with Bryan gone. I certainly don’t realize just how much he does till he is not here to do it. Let me tell you, I am VERY thankful that the trash, bathroom and kitchen aren’t my normal duties and that he comes home in 11 days to take them back over!
Jacey is good, an extremely active pillbug as normal. She has done really well with Bryan being gone (first time in over 2 years) although I can tell she misses him immensely. (Here is a pic I snapped of her making her nightly phone call to Daddy a few days ago.)
I am doing okay…I finally recently admitted I am out of remission and need to go back on meds. That is such a demeaning revelation for me. I guess I should be thankful that I stayed in remission for as long as I did (over 1.5 years) off of meds and that I have a wonderful support system here.
Work is great, I still absolutely love my job and the people I work with. Things were crazy this week, but it is all worth it as we leave for an overnight staff retreat in the morning. I am really looking forward to a little break although I am starting to feel a bit guilty about leaving Jacey when Bryan is gone too. I know she will have fun though and probably won’t even realize I am gone.
Anyhow, I need to skidoodle off to bed…I have a splitting headache and have to be up early in the morning to get Jacey off to school and finish packing.

I love the name you chose for you business!! it is awesome!! Miss ya!!