the last few days…
I am trying in vain to remember what I did Friday but can’t. I don’t think we really did anything. I do know I started feeling bad but that was about it. Friday night, we had a doozy of a storm, so needless to say I didn’t sleep. I used to sleep the best during thunderstorms but I guess three years in the UK only hearing thunder once has changed me. I dunno. I took some pictures since I was up anyway…LOL!
Saturday, I woke up feeling worse so Bryan and Jacey went and grabbed breakfast and afterwards I went back to sleep for a bit. We were going to do yard work but the storm pretty much delayed that so I tackled my scrap closet. I don’t enjoy doing paper layouts anymore and in the last year I have done a whole 5 layouts (not counting altered items). Doing that few, I just cannot justify keeping all my paper supplies so we purged. Bryan helped me and I know have this large pile to get rid of….the stack of cardstock/patterned paper is over a foot tall alone…oy!
Sunday, we went to church and then out to eat Mexican. Came home and while Jacey and I napped, Bryan mowed. We went and ate bar-b-que for dinner and ran through the carwash so the truck would be clean to go to the body shop today. Talked to my Mom for a while and then took some tylenol before crashing since I had felt worse and worse throughout the day.
Slept like crap last night so Bryan took the truck to the body shop without me this morning and I made a doctors appt. Work was nice enough to let him spend over half the day at home…can I just say how blessed we are in this squadron! Turns out that I have an ear infection and a swollen lymph node…joy. I never used to understand what the big deal about ear infections were but I TOTALLY do now. Doc gave me penicillin and already after one dose I am feeling better…not 100% but better. We headed to Cracker Barrel for dinner since I was in the mood for dumplings but didn’t feel like making them, cleaned up the living room and now we are about to jump in the shower. Afterward, we’re going to probably watch a movie or something while Bryan paints my toenails.
Tomorrow, I have lunch with friends and then Jacey has her first t-ball game. It’s so cute, she is SO excited about it:-)

Sorry I have been so neglectful…I will recreate my blog soon…LOL!!
You poor thing…ear infections really suck…don’t they? Rest up girl…keep yourself healthy!
Your friend…Carla
Hope you are feeling better! HUgs!
Let me know how you want me to lighten your scrapbook closet for you! LOL!
Been lots of storms here at my Mom’s. Been hard to get use too.
Sorry to hear about your ear infection, hope you feel better soon.
And you are so brave to get rid of your paper scrapping stuff – I am too attached :)
Hope you are feeling better!
I can’t believe you are getting rid of all that cardstock!! Ahh that would scare me!! :)
uh, yeah Lacey, I will be over to check out the goods! LOL!
Hope you’re feeling better soon girl…love the new organized scrap area! and can’t wait to see pics of Jacey’s first game
I hopeyour feeling better?
He even paints your toenails? What a guy!