FRUSTRATED. I am so freaking frustrated with my body right now. If you have followed my blog for…

Oscar has been evicted (surgery update)
Wednesday the 25th , I had semi-emergency surgery. Semi, because we knew it would happen eventually, we just…
love-hate relationship
Eight and a half hours later and the pain is still here. Who knew scrambled eggs, something so…

1 year bandiversary
I know, I am a couple of days late but such is life right?! I’ve sat down to…
Yes, I have finally gotten stuck…actually 2 times now since my fill last week. Here I am, gloating…
miscellaneous Monday
I think I am going to start a miscellaneous Monday…it’s an easy way to get a lot of…

*WLS* 1 month post-op
Wow, I can’t believe it has already been a month since my surgery. I feel good, only slight…
*WLS* 2nd post-op & lap-band video
Today I had my second post-op visit and everything looks good. I am down another 5.3 pounds which…
*WLS* imaginary 2nd post-op visit
Wednesday I was scheduled to have my 2nd post-op visit . We were about 5 minutes from leaving…
*WLS* 1st post-op visit
Today we made the trek to Pensacola, for my first post-op visit (5 days post-op). Jacey was with…
*WLS* successful surgery
I am home from the hospital now and finally awake and coherent. I thought I would write a…