silly little Facebook game :-)
I rarely play those FB “games” that come through, but I’m having a bit of self-induced ADD tonight and decided to take a break and have a little fun. :-)
These are 5 things you may or may not know about me. Like my status (over on FB) and I’ll give you a number.
1. I was a pageant kid. (I can’t believe I am sharing these pictures.)
2. Having dirty hands is the fastest way for me to go from sane Lacey to spastic insane Lacey. Yes, I am just a *bit* OCD.
3. I once lived in a town in East Texas that has a population of less than 100.
4. I had 4 wrecks (2 cars totaled) before I was 19 and haven’t had a single traffic incident since (minus 2 warnings for speeding). *knock on wood* :-)
5. I am an adrenaline junkie.