I know, I entitled this post, the Air Force but I will get to that in a minute….

Photography 101 @ MDM
Come one, come all (or up to 25 of you:-) for the class that is sure to be…
Tim McGraw
Wow…what a wonderful, sad, touching, amazing, honoring tribute to our very own! Tim McGraw – If You’re Reading…

Bwhahaha…I ♥ What The Duck!
Grateful Friday
1. A day with no rain. 2. A lazy day. 3. We didn’t get rained on Wednesday night…

Project DIY: custom ribbon camera strap
Since I had lots of interest for a how-to on my camera strap, here is it :-). Please…
camera strap
Since so many people have asked about my camera strap, I’ll write up a tut about it tonight!
And to think, this was *cool* back then! First Lady’s Home Page For whatever strange reason (knowing Bryan,…
Just a few of my recent projects…. The father’s day card is atrociously gaudy, but I could never…
Grateful Friday
1. my doctor is finally going to write a letter for Bryan’s command to *hopefully* keep him on…
Enough already……it is just a freaking phone, that can’t even play music from your playlist as a ringtone!!…
Wow, does this ever take me back (and make me feel old:-)! Sesame Street
Grateful Friday
1. we can access our server again (keeping up with email on a BlackBerry is NOT fun) 2….
playing catch up
I’ve been trying to get caught up on email and web stuff today since our ISP had somehow…
So, Kim tagged me….here goes! These are the rules…. each player starts with 7 random facts about themselves…
Grateful Friday
1. I got to see my sis (Paula) and family today! 2. The weather held out so we…
I totally cannot believe I forgot to blog this…LOL! I did this for a digidare and LOVE how…
Grateful Friday
1. Jacey had a blast at VBS this week. 2. It’s stormy out (I love storms). 3. I’m…
Grateful Friday
1. The exhibition went well yesterday…I estimate that around 400-500 people stopped by my booth. 2. Our new…
Today is the expo that I have been getting ready for lately, World’s Greatest Baby Shower. Everything is…