6210 days. 17 years. 3 different treatments totaling 1335 days and still counting. I recently saw a question…

lucky 13? & {almost} famous | part II & III | real life of cancer
I was 28 when I was diagnosed with CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) 13 years ago today. Even though…

it wasn’t all a dumpster fire | year-in-review 2020
I’m behind in posting this, as per the norm here lately. But hey, at least I got the…

12 Years Later | Dear Cancer
Yesterday was National Cancer Survivor’s Day and I missed it. Oh well, I am surviving EVERY day! Dear…

{almost} famous | part I | real life of cancer
Back in 2008 when I was diagnosed with cancer (chronic lymphocytic leukemia), I can remember feeling lost. Angry….

Now that life has finally calmed down a bit (haha, funny Lacey), I can finally write about MY…

somewhat #FAIL | #50miletraining week 11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15
Sigh. Yes, I am still alive. And even running. Somewhat. It has been a rough several weeks, but…

slacker status achieved | #50MILETRAINING WEEK 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10
So yeah, about that 50 mile training. Training has been going pretty good, blogging, however… I suck. And…

50 Miles is a REALLY LONG way | #50miletraining week 1 & 2 & 3
Back in April, I took a HUGE leap. I’ve actually been told that it was downright insane adding…

Team Dirtbag Runners 2019
So stoked to be picked to be a Dirtbag Runners ambassador for this year! I’ve been super selective…

Team Goodr 2019
CONGRATULATIONS! We are very excited to welcome you to the 2019 goodr Flamingo RUN Flamboyance (Feel free to…

2018 Running Recap
2018 came a went in what seems like an instant. Much like 2019 is going. The old adage…

wake up. kick ass. repeat. | FREEBIE desktop background & iPhone wallpaper & Facebook cover, oh my
This has been a long winter. Am I the only one that feels that way? We moved back…

Team ZOOMA Texas 2018
I’m super excited to share that I am now a ZOOMA Texas 2018 Race Ambassador! I can’t wait…

2018, I’m Coming For You | Fitness Goals
2017 was a challenging year for our family. Many days were full of doctor’s appointments and hours on…

chapter 38.
Last Sunday was my birthday. Chapter 38. A new year. New experiences. New challenges. New blessings. New lessons. Chapter…

Team She.Is.Beautiful 2017-2018
I am so honored to announce that I was recently chosen to represent @runsheisbeautiful as an ambassador and SIB Sass…

My Running Truth: Running Is Not Easy For Me 95% Of The Time | She.Is.Beautiful Blog Feature
I was recently honored to be featured on the She.Is.Beautiful blog to tell a little about my…

Team Miles & Pace 2017-2018
I am SO excited to announce that I am a 2017 Miles & Pace Brand Ambassador!! I can’t…

Race Report | Ruidoso Grindstone Trail Runs 4 Mile Race | 07.29.17
Hey look…I’m posting a race report BEFORE a year has passed! Shocking, I know. Last month, our party…