somewhat #FAIL | #50miletraining week 11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15
Sigh. Yes, I am still alive. And even running. Somewhat.
It has been a rough several weeks, but I am still moving forward and for that I am thankful.
If you’d like to read about my first several weeks of training, check here and here.
Week 11 | This was my first full week back home/training from vacation and it was rough. Mid-week evening run was insanely hot and my Saturday planned 22 turned into 8, solely because of heat. My body just does not handle heat well at all. Sunday I donned on all my gear but didn’t run any miles, because I had a secret squirrel photoshoot instead. Being on the other side of the lens was both weird and fun at the same time. | Total Miles – 27.55
Week 12 | This week started with chemo cycle 5 of 6. While that went smoothly, later that night did not. I ended up in the ER and then inpatient for a day because I couldn’t keep anything in, from either end. I skipped my run on Tuesday, but thankfully the rest of the week was uneventful. | Total Miles – 25.50
Week 13 | I think I’d be bored if life ever calmed down, but I sure wouldn’t mind finding out. :-) Runs this week were hit and miss because of a mid-week trip to Houston for Bryan to be recognized at the Astros game. I did finally get back in the studio for some aerial yoga though and boy did my mind need it. My weekend schedule had 24 and 5 but I flip-flopped it after not running much all week. Saturday’s 5 went great, Sunday…not so much. About 6 miles in I started experiencing some GI distress (severe stomach cramps). I attributed it to having trouble fueling in the heat lately and pressed on. By mile 12 I was only running about 0.25 miles at a time and walking the rest. *TMI alert, skip ahead to next week if you are squeamish.* I made sure to hydrate more and stopped at every bathroom along the way to no avail. Once I got home and used the restroom, I ended up with a toilet full of bright red blood. I just wanted a nap, but Bryan drove me to the ER instead. Second time in 2 weeks. Joy. They ran labs and did a CT scan, all of which were unremarkable. They wanted to put me inpatient to do a colonoscopy but couldn’t tell me when. Negative ghostwriter, I wasn’t staying indefinitely. So, I left against medical advice with a referral to GI. Nothing has happened since and GI is leaning toward ischemic colitis. They think the chemo is wearing my body down and that combined with my mileage, heat, and dehydration just created the perfect storm. Needless to say, I was told to take it easy and have a colonoscopy scheduled. | Total Miles – 33.50
Week 14 | My mileage this week was low, but I was a good girl and followed doctors orders to take it easy. Honestly, it wasn’t that hard being that I was stupid tired all week. I’m not sure if it is the chemo, the blood loss or what. I finally got out for some miles on Friday, splitting the 10 between running and hiking. Saturday I didn’t get any miles in, but definitely got time on my feet. I spent 8 hours volunteering at Alamo City Ultra and cheering on the crazies that tackled Ike in brutal heat. | Total Miles – 10.00
Week 15 | Finally a fairly solid week, even if my Garmin doesn’t agree. Monday I tackled my “Sunday” run and knocked out a pretty decent 10 miles. Tuesday I was back in the studio for aerial. Wednesday I had 6 planned, but a crazy morning of having to take J to school last minute because of car troubles led to very little running time. I squeezed in a pyramid speed workout on the treadmill in an attempt to make the most of what time I did have. Thursday and Saturday went off without a hitch, but by Sunday I was tired. My 10 tuned into 6.5 but I am not upset by that at all. At least this week didn’t end up with yet another ER trip! | Total Miles – 39.53
Training for a big race through chemo is definitely a roller coaster. After all additional medical issues here lately, I have seriously contemplated pulling from the race. My body is obviously not entirely happy with me, but you know what, I am learning that I can only do what I can at the moment and will continue until I can’t. And that will just have to be enough.