what i’m doing now :: 12.07.14
Currently I am:
Reading: lots of emails that are cluttering up my inbox
Listening to: the power lines behind my house hum because of the chill in the air
Laughing at: nothing, today has not been a great day
Swooning over: new 3 row SUV’s
Doing: cleaning up my inbox and checking a few to dos off the list that I am behind on
Planning: to run tomorrow or Tuesday
Eating: nothing currently, dinner was grilled cheese and tomato soup
Feeling: irritated
Discovering: how few steps a day I take unless I run, I have a love/hate relationship with my Fitbit Flex
Looking at: my messy desk
Wearing: a white tank top and Bryan’s ratty basketball shorts that he has had longer than we have been married
Cooking: I made Italian roast with farfalle pasta for lunch
Wondering: why some people are so self-centered
Trying out: not being so hard on myself