what i’m doing now :: 11.19.14
Currently I am:
Reading: NIV Once-a-Day Devotional for Women and Love Does by Bob Goff…yes….still
Listening to: Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Ray
Laughing at: how Jacey manages to turn every situation into a reason to homeschool…she is totally sold on the idea, I am halfway there
Swooning over: the Samsung NX mini cameras
Doing: home finances, texting my SIL and adding swim lesson time slots to our team website
Planning: menus and grocery lists
Eating: a spoon of peanut butter
Feeling: stuffy….this cold needs to take a hike
Discovering: how much I can get accomplished if I stay away from Facebook
Looking at: my computer
Wearing: pajamas because I haven’t showered yet today
Cooking: last night was fishsticks and tonight is crockpot salsa chicken soft tacos…these late swim nights are wreaking havoc on cooking
Wondering: when I can fit grocery shopping into my schedule
Trying out: a new church this past Sunday, so far, we like it