speed limit nonexistent
Do you ever feel like you are cruising along in life with no speed limit? Driving the Autobahn, going as fast as you can, just because you can, even though it is not good nor safe?
Sigh…that’s been a pretty accurate description of my last few weeks. Trying to meet mine and everyone else’s needs, wants and expectations even though it is causing my stress level to shoot out of the roof and my fatigue to almost become crippling. Will I ever learn? Let’s just go back through the last week, I won’t even torture you with the last few.
Where do we start…oh, Monday. Monday, I had work, Jacey had a dentist appointment and then we started painting my new office. Finally made it home about..oh…8pm.
Tuesday, yes, I remember that day. We finally got to have our 10th anniversary flight (thank you God for allowing the weather to cooperate) and it was awesome. Since we had a sitter, Bry and I headed to lunch and then went to work. That afternoon/evening, we painted some more till we ran out of paint. Went to Crestview for paint (good thing Lowe’s stays open till 9pm, we barely made it) and dinner.
Oh wait, let’s not forget that I had a dentist appointment on Tuesday as well.
Wednesday, we finally got to start putting my furniture together in the new office. Only got partway through the first piece, because we had to head off to Pensacola for my doctor appointment. Finished Jacey’s school shopping while we were there and had dinner with a new friend. Came home and totally crashed.
Thursday, is my crazy day at work, so no breathing room there. Then, we dove headfirst back into furniture building. Why exactly did I not get it assembled before delivery?! Oh yeah, because I was trying to be a good steward and save the church some money…sigh. Even the whole family joined in building today. Managed to get all the pieces built and the only thing left is to screw the hutch to the desk.
Friday…yes, Friday…my day off. I actually got to sleep in an hour…LOL! We had Jacey’s open house/meet the teacher (so totally not impressed) and then headed back up to the church to finish my office. Got the desk connected, furniture in place and computer hooked up. Everything else is still sitting in boxes waiting for me to tackle tomorrow (Monday). Finally came home at 4:30pm because Jacey was supposed to go to the Destin Y for Parent’s Night Out and we were supposed to have a date night. The weather canceled pno although I cannot say I was too depressed. Tired can’t even begin to explain what I felt/feel like.
Now where are we..oh yes, Saturday. I did actually get to sleep in till 9am and it was pure bliss. Poor Bryan had to be up at 7am so he could take care of the yard. Saturday was the ribbon cutting and Kids Blitz. We had a fantabulous time and Jacey did great at the ribbon cutting. Kids Blitz was lots of fun and J even got picked to participate up on stage. Afterwards, we headed into FWB to don some more office shopping (since Bryan is making me put up pics this time…LOL). Found 2 frames at AC Moore, a wooden saying for my desk and a vinyl wall saying (it is a scripture verse) for above my hutch. Now I need to find/edit 2 pics for the frames and get them ordered. I can’t wait to see it all finished. Dinner was Olive Garden, even though I had meat thawed. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times we have eaten out this week and how much money we have spent on food. I’d probably get depressed.
Finally today. Church and Sunday school which marks day 8 up at the church. Don’t get me wrong, I love the church and love working there but the only place I want to be at THAT much is my house (or maybe Paris…yeah, definitely Paris:). Came home from there, ate lunch and crashed. Dummy me though forgot to set my phone to vibrate and in turn, the phone that rarely rings rang at the most inopportune time. Cleaned up Jacey’s room, got all her new school clothes hung up and made dinner. Now, here I sit doing nothign really. I should be editing pics for my office so I can get them ordered but I am not. Instead, I am going to finish this blog post, go eat my chocloate covered strawberries I was too full after dinner to eat and go to bed. Tomorrow it is back to work and back to school for my new little 2nd grader and another crazy week of things I need to do.
I need a vacation…
P.S. Maybe this will explain my lack of posting a bit though…eh :)?!
P.S.S Forgive the pics, I am too lazy to edit them right now.

For awhile I was worried that my bookmark to your blog wasnt updating with the most current post bc there werent any new ones!
Love your office furniture. Don’t care that the pics werent edited…i cant even tell.
I hope you get some “me” time very soon and can breathe again!
Phew, all tired just reading all you did! You are so incredibly dedicated and energetic! Love the color in your office.