14 & 3 Sounds like pretty good stats, right? Maybe for a baseball team, but not so much…

lucky 13? & {almost} famous | part II & III | real life of cancer
I was 28 when I was diagnosed with CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) 13 years ago today. Even though…

it wasn’t all a dumpster fire | year-in-review 2020
I’m behind in posting this, as per the norm here lately. But hey, at least I got the…

12 Years Later | Dear Cancer
Yesterday was National Cancer Survivor’s Day and I missed it. Oh well, I am surviving EVERY day! Dear…

Apparently May 1st is National Decision Day, so what better day to share the news that… Jacey committed to…

20 years. 7 months. 3 days.
21 years ago today, Bryan held up his right hand and swore to uphold the constitution of the…

{almost} famous | part I | real life of cancer
Back in 2008 when I was diagnosed with cancer (chronic lymphocytic leukemia), I can remember feeling lost. Angry….

somewhat #FAIL | #50miletraining week 11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15
Sigh. Yes, I am still alive. And even running. Somewhat. It has been a rough several weeks, but…

slacker status achieved | #50MILETRAINING WEEK 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10
So yeah, about that 50 mile training. Training has been going pretty good, blogging, however… I suck. And…

July 31.
July 31. 20 years. Most said we wouldn’t make it past 6 months. Oh you know, that whole…

goodbye junior year, hello craziness
You know, there is a saying, something about “the minutes are long but the years are short”. Of…

20 years. the end is drawing near.
7,305 days ago, this baby face made a commitment to his country and the United States Air Force….

40 and some change
It’s hard to imagine, I’ve now celebrated 20 birthdays with this guy. Me, the flighty, unattached one. There…

chapter 38.
Last Sunday was my birthday. Chapter 38. A new year. New experiences. New challenges. New blessings. New lessons. Chapter…

sweet 16.
Today, Jacey turns 16. 16 years of her bringing a smile to our face and all those around her….

on Wednesday’s we go full “hooah” | air force wife life
It’s no secret, that this New Mexico move has been hard on me. The hardest PCS yet. There…

coming fall 2017 :: #thebfamilypartyof3doestx2017
Welp, it’s official. Orders are in hand (finally). The Buchorn’s are headed back to Texas this fall and…

love after 18 years
18 years. Today marks 18 years of marriage to my best friend. 18 years ago, I would have…

Grateful Friday | 06.16.17
1. Piper and Peyton, these two annoying, furry things have been a part of our family for a…