1. One more week of this TDY over with! A bajillion minus 4 to go. 2. Skype,…

Grateful Friday
1. One more week of this blasted TDY over with! 2. A savings….that way when finance screws up…

Grateful Friday
1. One more week of this TDY is complete. A bazillion minus 2 weeks to go :). 2….

Grateful Friday
1. 1 week of this TDY down, only what seems like a bazillion more to go. 2. New…

Grateful Friday
1. We managed to actually have Bryan home for 18 months before had the TDY again. 2. My…

Grateful Friday
1. Surgery went well and so far recovery is too. 2. Friends that offer help, bring meals, etc…

Grateful Friday
1. Menu is made, groceries are bought and I don’t have to go back until after Bryan leaves…

Grateful Friday
1. We found a pet door we think will work for Zoey and our ginormous sliding patio door….

Grateful Friday (on a Saturday)
1. Naps. 2. Exercise, I think…even though I pay for it for days afterwards (fatigue), I know it…

Grateful Friday
1. Friends. Some days I feel like I really haven’t made any connections here, then some days there…

Grateful Friday
1. All the Christmas goodies are made and packaged up to drop off with Bryan’s squadron and the…

Grateful Saturday…sigh
1. Seeing the miracle of Christ’s birth played out every year at Christmastime. It never gets old and…

Grateful Fri…err…Saturday
1. Medicine, even if it feels like it is doing nothing. 2. ALL my Christmas shipping is DONE….
Grateful Fri…err…Saturday
1. This crazy busy week is ALMOST over. Swim meet today and then I get a few days…
Grateful Friday
1. We are almost to Christmas break. What I wouldn’t give for more than couple days in a…
Grateful Friday
1. Our military men and women, past and present! Without them, life would be very different. 2. A…
Grateful Friday
1. Zoey is adapting well, no more accidents in the house and had a good vet check today….
Grateful Friday
1. The drive-in was a success and I actually stayed awake for both movies (with a little help…
Grateful (Sunday)
1. I am feeling much better and will hopefully *fingers crossed* be cleared to drive again tomorrow. 2….
Grateful Friday
1. My surgery went well, with no complications. 2. My nursing staff was fabulous. 3. I only had…