1. A great deal to go to WPPI U Las Vegas and the funds to pay for…

Grateful Saturday
1. Evenings with a dear friend. 2. Phone calls with another. 3. Celebrating 13 years of marriage (we…

Grateful Friday
1. J had a great time at camp and made it home safely. 2. Lunch with a dear…

Grateful Friday
1. We actually made it through one more week of Bryan being in the weapons school and…

Grateful Friday
1. My baby girl comes home tomorrow! It sure has been quiet around here. 2. Hours lost…

Grateful Friday
1. A truly Godly person decided to bless me immensely based on my story. I don’t feel…

just grateful.
1. While my color may still be jacked, after 3 boxes of hair color, I still have hair….

Grateful Friday
1. Dinners with dear friends. Almost 12 hours of fun that didn’t feel like more than 2. 2….

Grateful Friday +1
1. The damage to my truck was very minimal and they found the other girl at fault, even…

Grateful Friday
1. Movie and pizza night with the family. We played hookie from swim and it was pure bliss!…

Grateful Friday
1. The backyard is *almost* finished. We just have to finish planting 9 more plants and then we…

Grateful Friday
1. Date nights with my love. 2. The yard is *almost* done. 3. Friendship. 4. Family nights. 5….

Grateful Friday
1. Date nights with my love. 2. Naps. 3. The patio cover is FINALLY up and cleared by…

Grateful Friday
1. Bryan is finally home! 2. Being able to REALLY surprise Jacey with Bryan’s return. We even got…

Grateful Friday
1. We are in single digits till Bry comes home. 2. I lost 5 pounds in the last…

Grateful Friday
1. The house is purged and spring cleaned (even if it is 4am). All that is left is…

Grateful Friday
1. Friends who take my munchkin for the whole weekend and never bat an eye! 2. Fans….

Grateful Friday
1. Only 3 more weeks (+ or – a few days) left till Bryan comes home! I am READY…

Grateful Friday
1. The opportunity to spend a week with my love in NY. 2. Smooth flights and very minimal…

Grateful Friday
1. Only a few more days till we will be in NY with Bryan for a week! 2….