Wives of Faith: Christmas Blog Carnival 2011- Day 4
It’s that time of year again! Come join us (click the graphic for details)!
Day 4: The Best Non-Material Christmas Gift Ever
This is a toss up. I could take the easy way out and say my daughter, since she was born a month before Christmas. We prayed for her for what seemed like forever, “tried” for her, battled infertility, took meds and cried many tears, so when she finally arrived healthy and perfect, it was a huge blessing.
I’ll dig deeper though.
There is a certain family that was such a huge blessing to me in the UK and even more so, the Christmas of 2003. Bryan was deployed and this family was there for Jacey and I every step of the way. They took us in like we were “real” family and shared their hearts and home with us. Never once did they treat us like we were an inconvenience or an obligation. They’ll probably never know what it meant to me, because I am not good with words, but I hope that someday they do.

Great post!! :) I am sure they know how much they meant to you!
My favorite non-material gift was the christmas morning snowfall of 1991