Am I ever going to get to a point where I can keep up with life again?! Sigh.
- Well, I survived my 4th Advent season, working for a church. I love working in ministry, but during our “busy” seasons, it is absolutely nerve wracking some days. I am so thankful that it is over and I have a 2 month reprieve before Lent preparations will begin.
- As much as I hated experiencing my lovely gallstones pain last holiday season, at least I maintained my weight through it. Not so this year. I don’t even want to go there.
- 14 more days till Bryan leaves for 9 weeks. Yuck and double yuck. Then when he gets back, we PCS. Where is my Calgon again?!
- Military finance sucks. Enough said. Okay, maybe not. As much as I always thought I hated DTS, not anymore. DTS is a godsend compared to this system Bryan had to use to file his last travel voucher.
- Tomorrow we leave for Tampa, to spend New Year’s there. Taking our last opportunity to “getaway” before our PCS and using up our 2009 free Busch Gardens tickets. Usually we do Sea World, but decided on something new this year. Next year is Sea World in San Diego though :). This trip we are also going to see A Christmas Carol in IMAX 3D, going to MOSI, the Florida Aquarium, The Cheesecake Factory, the Apple Store and IKEA. Yes, those last 3 are highlights for me…LOL! Not looking forward to the drive, but at least it isn’t as far as Texas and I don’t have to drive it all (or possibly any) myself.
- Really should go to bed, since it is 11:35pm and we aim to be on the road by 7am (have to account for the time zone difference). But, since they always say a post is better with a picture (I am sure anything is better than my complaining:), I leave you with this. My munchkin. When did she grow up?!

Wowsers! You guys have a really great trip planned, that is SO cool!!! :) I’ve never been to an IKEA do they have one in Tampa? I hope you guys have a lot of fun and good times! Take loads of photos too!
I’ll be praying for your move and all that you have going on! Have a great New Year’s!
I hope you guys are having a great time!!! I LOVE The Cheesecake Factory!!
Happy New Year!!!