AYKM (Wednesday edition)
Are you kidding me? Yes, I stole that line from one of my fav photographers, Bobbi+Mike.
- Monday, Bry and I were out running errands and I had a wild hair to run into Kohl’s. I was looking for another pair of Levi’s, the exact same as I had on, only in one size smaller…a 10. Couldn’t find a 10, but I found an 8, held it up and thought no way. Bry convinced me to try them on and THEY FIT! I couldn’t believe it. I even tried on 2 other brands of size 8’s and they fit too. I am SO thrilled. All through this journey, all I wanted was to be out of the plus sized section…I never imagined myself in a size 8!!
- Yesterday, Bry came home after his MXG Commander’s Call and said his squadron was looking for key spouses. I was a key spouse when we were stationed at Dyess and then briefly at Lakenheath before I bowed out due to drama. When we moved here to Eglin, I was told his sq didn’t have key spouses because they don’t deploy…turns out, they do have key spouses after all (and why they didn’t call me once over a 2 month TDY last year is beyond me…anyway, I’ll get off that soapbox before it gets ugly). Bry asked me if I wanted to be one and I (yes, I am a glutton for punishment) agreed to give it a go again. he did tell his First Shirt though that I will not put up with any drama, so we shall see. Not like I don’t have enough going on already, what’s one more thing…LOL!
- I’ve been less than thrilled with our gym here lately (we are members of the Niceville YMCA). It is always dirty, in need of repair and hot. Truly makes me wonder what exactly my membership fees pay for. They just put a huge, brand new gym down in Bluewater Bay so we went and checked it out. It’s nice but it really started us thinking. The new gym would cost $15 more a month, even with a charter membership and I haven’t even been in our current gym but once in the last month. We have 2 gyms (my smaller work gym and the huge base gym) within 7 miles for free and I prefer to run outside anyway. Is a gym membership even truly feasible for us?! After much conversation, we decided no. We are going to cancel our Y membership, continue to run outside like we already do and use the 2 free gyms when we want weights and such. The base gym also offers all sorts of classes, some free and some only $2 a class. I can take 15-20 classes a month, plus my gas and still not equal the cost of our Y membership. Nothing wrong with saving a few bucks, I say.
- Any of you that follow my 101 in 1001 list might remember that there was a task to not eat out for 30 days. I have determinied that will simply never happen in this household, so I changed it to simply no fast food for 30 days. That is still a stretch but I can actually see thaty happening. Not sure what I was thinking with the original task…I don’t like cooking THAT much.
- My ice cream addiction has to go. They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, so starting today I am on a 21 day challenge to have no ice cream. Ice cream is not bad in and of itself, but I have absolutely zero control when it comes to it. So, the best thing is to just not have it at all. Hopefully at the end of the 21 days, I can have it occasionally but not have the severe cravings for it all the time that I have now. I will need help though, so keep me accountable! No ice cream till August 5th!
- Normally at work, my summer is pretty quiet. I normally use this time to work from home a little bit instead of in the office the entire time. Not this summer…sigh. We open our new children’s building next month and it is pure craziness trying to get everything set up. I am just very thankful that I am not a part of the children’s ministry and only have to deal with the children’s choir portion of the schedule/building. I went in to ask a simple 5-10 minute question today and finally got back to my office 2 hours later. I know it is SO worth it, but I have to keep reminding myself of that lately because the headaches are definitely there right now.
- I finally go in for my cut and color Friday…YAY!! I really needed it last week, but have just been so busy. I LOVE my stylist, she does an awesome job and is just so sweet. And hey, there is nothing wrong with a little pampering time and after these past few weeks, I need it!

I Have a Big gym at work so I refuse to pay for a gym membership either. It is hard to not eat out or even eat fast food for 30 days in my household as well but Im trying! lol Thats awesome that you are in a size 8!!! I am finally down to a 20 SOON I will be out of the plus size section and I cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!