It’s *almost* here!
My Growl notification just popped up and it made it to New York. YAY!
Oh wait, I am sure you have no clue what I am talking about. That up there is my wedding band (click the pic to see more info). Not my original band, but the bands we used when I re-prosposed to Bryan at the top of the London Eye when he returned from deployment in 2004. Fast forward 5 years and I had to order a new one because that one was falling off (2008-2009 was when I lost tons of weight). I sold the old bigger band, because I had absolutely no intention of gaining the weight back.
What is that saying about good intentions? Sigh.
Anyway, I rarely ever take my band off, so back in September when I had my hysterectomy I had no clue how tight it was. I managed to get it off, but haven’t been able to get it back on since. Well, I can get it on with the aid of soap/lotion/oil but it isn’t pretty and I fear I’ll never be able to get it back off. So, for the last 7 months I have been wearing my 5 year anniversary band instead. It was driving me crazy though. That is supposed to be on my right hand and I am supposed to match Bryan. After much deliberation, we spent the money AGAIN to get me a new band. It is hand created in Scotland, so I’ve been waiting on pins and needles to see when it would get to the US and it finally did! I should have it in a few more days. Then, I need to go get my 10 year anniversary band and engagement ring that are worn with it resized…again.
This time, bad luck or not, I am NOT getting rid of the bigger band if I get this weight back off.
Oh and, maybe I should mention he is *almost* here too! Soon…VERY soon!