Thursday Thirteen
I haven’t done one of these in a while (heck, I haven’t hardly blogged lately period) so I thought I would today.
Thirteen things left on our house to-do list.
1. Paint the last 3 walls in the kitchen/dining room “Buchorn Tan”.
2. Touch up all ceilings, doors and trim in the house.
3. Paint outside trim and garage door.
4. Replace front yard flowers that didn’t make it.
5. Design and order dining room canvas.
6. Decorate master bath.
7. Hang the rest of the pictures, etc downstairs and in the loft (once painting is finished).
8. Buy shelves to display my antique cameras in the loft.
9. Clean all 5 million windows inside and outside.
10. Finish pulling all the weeds we “Round-Up’ed” a couple weeks ago.
11. Hang wire on back fence for honeysuckle to trail.
12. Organize garage.
13. Relax and enjoy “our” house.

Great, now I’m thinking about all the crap I have to do around the house. Thanks…. ;)