Tuesday Tidbits
- Is it geeky that I am excited for my new GPS to get here tomorrow?? Guess my GRLGEEK license plate is fitting then :). We decided to go ahead and buy a second one (poor Bryan gets the hand me downs always) since Bryan will be making 2 trips back and forth to Texas in the next 4.5 months and I will be making 1 for sure and possibly 2. Normally our trips don’t overlap, so having only 1 GPS works, but not this time. We’ll need it when we convoy to Vegas too, so it’s either buy it now or later.
- For Thanksgiving, we were going to go to my Mom’s all weekend and have Bryan drive down from San Antonio to meet us, but Jacey really wants to hang out with Daddy’s all weekend. So, we are going to go to my Mom’s for Thanksgiving Day and then mess around in San Antonio the rest of the weekend. I think it is really starting to bother Jacey that after this short TDY, Bryan will be gone for another 2 months like last year. She’s okay when he is gone for the most part but I know it doesn’t get any easier with time like the old adage preaches.
- And, since we can no longer volunteer to serve at the Waterfront Mission for Thanksgiving like we had originally planned, we decided to do it for Christmas this year instead. Bryan and I have both lost our eagerness for Christmas. I know the true reason for the season but all the materialism and commercialism really takes the joy out for me. This will be the perfect way to experience the true reason of the season, following in Christ’s footsteps and serving those less privileged.
- Last year, Jacey and I (Bryan was still TDY) both walked in the Niceville Christmas Parade for the Relay For Life float. This year though, I have to figure out how to be in 2 places at one time. Being the 2010 event vice chair, I need to walk with the Relay float again, but this year, Jacey is twirling with the Twinkling Twirlers for the parade. Anyone know of an easy way to clone myself? Hmm…this might be the perfect time to enlist Mrs. M’s help (Jacey’s adopted grandma).