Thursday Thirteen – Thirteen Things On My Agenda Today
Thirteen Things On My Agenda Today 1. Make J’s lunch. 2. Put receipts in Quicken. 3. Take J…

the strength of an Air Force Brat
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I’ll miss you Until we…

Wives of Faith: Christmas Blog Carnival 2011- Day 4
It’s that time of year again! Come join us (click the graphic for details)! Day 4: The…

Wives of Faith: Christmas Blog Carnival 2011- Day 3
It’s that time of year again! Come join us (click the graphic for details)! Day 3: Your…

Wives of Faith: Christmas Blog Carnival 2011- Day 2
It’s that time of year again! Come join us (click the graphic for details)! Day 2: Your…

double digit daughter
My sweet, baby girl turned 10 today! I think I am in denial that time has moved so…
military pay & taxes
This is not a fun topic, but one that may help someone out there. At the end of…

the new retrainee
Bryan sent me the 2 pics of him with the plane he will be working with a while back…
poor guy
So, we put Bry on a plane today to St. Louis for the week. First, his flight from…