Real British chocolate. Not that gross imitation American stuff. :-)

project 365 :: year 34 day 28
School pickup….everyday. 21 miles…one way. I sure hope she realizes how much we love her.

UPDATED: Team Lacey | #operation5KbeforeCHEMO | The Color Run 2014 | Las Vegas, NV
I did it! I decided on which 5k to do for my #operation5KbeforeCHEMO and created a team. Now,…

project 365 :: year 34 day 27
Working on a sweet little boy’s 1st birthday pictures. I probably shouldn’t admit he is almost 2…

project 365 :: year 34 day 26
Our life is CRAZY but look, I don’t have to set an alarm tomorrow because there is…

project 365 :: year 34 day 25
It is raining and 37 degrees at my house this morning. I love this weird, unusual Vegas weather.

project 365 :: year 34 day 24
We have a tendency in life to forget how very blessed we are. Giving back to the…

project 365 :: year 34 day 23
I needed new kicks since I am back to running. Why does every shoe out today look…

project 365 :: year 34 day 22
This is the start of some fantastic counter cleaner. Yes, I am a *tiny* bit crunchy. VERY…

foodie review: M&M Soul Food Cafe | Las Vegas, NV
I am truly sad that we waited 3 years to try this place out and now can’t…

project 365 :: year 34 day 21
0445 and the laundry is already going. That should be a crime. I’ll be glad when this…