1. Gorgeous weather!! 2. The pain that kept me up for over 4 hours last night, finally went…
Grateful Friday
1. A good haircut, it just makes you feel like a new person. 2. I actually tan again!…
Grateful Friday (a day late)
1. Gorgeous weather…spring is finally here! 2. I had a great time at the MPOY banquet last night….
Grateful Friday
1. The ability to run, not only is it good for my physical health, but my mental health…
Grateful Friday
1. My job and the people I work with, they are a constant blessing. 2. The ability to…
Grateful Friday
1. I made it through this week with no violent emotional breakdowns. 2. Family and friends with kind…
Grateful Friday
1. I can eat solid food again! 2. Wonderful people, who take Jacey to give us a *break*….
Grateful Friday
1. My intense tightness from this morning finally went away and I can drink my water pain free…
Grateful Friday
1. For running…it give me time to clear my head. 2. My white blood cell counts are staying…
Grateful Friday
1. Extra monies to have a getaway weekend with Bryan. 2. My mom who drove all the way…
Grateful Friday
1. Unexpected dinner out with friends tonight. 2. I have been back in the gym 3 times this…

Grateful Friday
1. We had a great vacation and are almost home (8 more hours). 2. I don’t think I…
Grateful Friday
1. Bryan is home! 2. I am off work until January 5th! 3. We leave for vacation tomorrow….
Grateful Friday
1. Bryan comes home in less than 24 hours!! 2. Jacey and I have made it through the…
Grateful Friday
1. 7 more days till Bryan comes home!! 2. The ability to run and the clearing of my…
Grateful Friday
1. 14 more days till Bryan comes home!! 2. I can officially run an entire 5K…this is coming…
Grateful Friday
1. 21 more days till Bryan comes home. 2. Thanksgiving with family. 3. New and new (to me)…
Grateful Friday
1. 28 more days till Bryan comes home! 2. The wonderful people that surround me daily; ones that…
Grateful Friday
1. 35 more days till Bry comes home 2. naps 3. Jacey has no fear, no stage fright…
Grateful Friday
1. Only one more item and stocking stuffers and Jacey is done for Christmas (and I know what…