By the time you read this, I should be in the middle of run 2. Gotta love the…

project 365 :: year 34 day 18
Run 1 of #operation5KbeforeCHEMO!

project 365 :: year 34 day 7
Back in the gym. I want to run again. Stupid cancer. Stupid bone pain. I WILL run again….

two starbucks straws.
Last Wednesday was my umpteenth-millionth ct scan. Throughout this five and a half year long journey (so far),…

bruised knees.
Saturday, I spent a good chunk of the day, photographing swimmers from Jacey’s swim team. I’ve become somewhat…

hard decisions
Sometimes life stinks, it is as simple as that. But another thing about life, is that it goes…

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light The Night Walk 2012
Our Family & Friends, Many of you know that I was diagnosed with CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia), 4…

Thursday Thirteen – Thirteen Good Things About Having Cancer
Thirteen Good Things About Having Cancer Since I wrote a long, whiny post about having cancer earlier in…

Reason #2,567,413 Why It Stinks To Have Cancer
You are CONSTANTLY under a microscope. ESPECIALLY when seeing new doctors. Last month I fired my oncologist and…

4 years ago when I participated in my very first Relay for Life after my cancer diagnosis, I…

much randomness (warning, long post ahead)
Since J and I came back from New York, I decided to take a Facebook hiatus and you…

the NOT-so runner girl
FRUSTRATED. I am so freaking frustrated with my body right now. If you have followed my blog for…
![quote this. [my cancer motto]](

4 year cancerversary
Today is February 11, 2012. Four years ago, on February 11, 2008, I heard a doctor say, “It’s…

September is National Leukemia & Lymphoma Awareness Month
Three and a half years in and I never knew this. Or, maybe I did and I forgot….
the unknown.
This is not a happy go-lucky post, so venture elsewhere if that is what you are looking for….

this post is brought to you by the letter “c”.
This post has been in draft status for almost a month now. Sad, really. I just have no…
Protected: 2009+
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Relay For Life 2010
*This is going to stay up at the top of my blog until after Relay, please scroll down…
2 years.
By the time you read this, hopefully I’ll be in the air on my way to Texas to…