wake up. kick ass. repeat. | FREEBIE desktop background & iPhone wallpaper & Facebook cover, oh my
This has been a long winter. Am I the only one that feels that way?
We moved back to Texas. It snowed. We went to Walt Disney World. It was cold enough to snow. We came back home. It snowed. Again.
And to top it all off, I got sick. Thankfully, not the flu, just a cold. I think my immunocompromised body finally waived the white flag in surrender though after barraging it with 10 days of Disney germs.
Needless to say, my winter training has not gone as planned and I’ve had way fewer run days than needed. Or wanted. My only saving grace at this moment is that official 50K training doesn’t start until February 5th, so I have 2 weeks to get well and back on track.
In the meantime, I dug out one of my favorite desktop backgrounds that I have created for a little motivation and thought I would share it with all of you!
Wake Up. Kick Ass. Repeat.
This set includes desktop background, iPhone 8 wallpaper, and a Facebook cover.
Click on each image to enlarge and then right-click to save.