May 13 :: Interview with the Vampire. Again. It’s a very good thing needles don’t phase me.

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May 12 :: My OCD self could no longer handle the millions of post-it’s residing on my desk….

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May 11 :: The one who calls me Mommy.

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May 10 :: My new best friends. A warm bath for the pain and a Scōp patch for…

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May 9 :: My graduate! Super proud of this guy and all his hard work!

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May 8 :: Chemo round 2 is complete! Super tired and praying for none of the yucky side…

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May 7 :: This guy. I don’t tell him enough how much I appreciate him. He’s my rock…

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May 6 :: I finally figured out the secret to making chemo go faster. Get up at 0430…

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May 5 :: Relaxing on the patio with Bryan, enjoying the calm before the storm again tomorrow.

FCR Chemotherapy: Round 1
I decided that perhaps, since I start my second round of chemo very soonly that it might be time…

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May 4 :: Two long but successful meet days and I am toast.

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May 3 :: I spend more time at one of several competition pools in this city than I…

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May 2 :: I finally broke down and bought a door shelf for the pantry. This house has…

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May 1 :: New specs. I love them, Bryan likes them and Jacey is on the fence.

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April 30 :: I came. I conquered. The tree looks presentable again.

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April 29 :: I have spent the last 7 days here. Over. It. Chemo side effects suck.

15 years of dedication to country.
Today, Bryan achieved 15 years in the United States Air Force. It has been a tough, challenging, exciting, rewarding and…

project 365 :: year 34 day 182
April 28 :: This is how I feel about having to be hooked up for hydration. Again. 3rd…

why thanks Tricare…
Let me preface this by saying, I am very thankful for our insurance. While it might be a…

project 365 :: year 34 day 181
April 27 :: 9 o’clock at night and my <3 heads out to get me food, since it…