April 26 :: My new “nag…encouragement”. Just as soon as I can actually leave the house and use…

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April 25 :: ONLY perk of a useless ER trip is getting to see my fav chemo nurse…

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April 24 :: 7 hour ER trips that are completely filled with utter nonsense are such fun. Not.

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April 23 :: Do you see that? For the first time in 8 years (6 officially), I have…

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April 22 :: Routine. Mundane. Important. Apparently my eyes are getting better?! Perk of chemo?!

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April 21 :: Right here is where I feel safe. Right here is where I belong. When life…

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April 20 :: Thousands of voices worshipping together on Resurrection Sunday. What a wonderful sound!

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April 19 :: BBQ and a strawberry crush on a Saturday afternoon. Almost felt like home…for a moment. #texasgirl

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April 18 :: Being normal is overrated.

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April 17 :: Never. A dull moment.

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April 16 :: This girl. She’s amazing. She has been dealt more challenges in her life than most…

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April 15 :: What, you don’t sort your M&M’s before you eat them?

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April 14 :: I didn’t wanna. But I did.

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April 13 :: My office looks like a bomb went off. This is what happens when wife/mom rests…

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April 12 :: Retail therapy that doesn’t cost you a dime is always fun. :-) Thank you@thecolorrun and @zappos for my…

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April 11 :: Thank you SO much for the outpouring of love during this time. Seriously, I am…

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April 10 :: Day 2 of chemo. This drug kicked my backside yesterday, but today I conquered it!

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April 9 :: First day of chemo, after 6 years watch & wait. Today was rough with infusion…

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April 8 :: I have amazing friends that order me @retrobakery from afar. Truly blessed, I am. April 8 ::…

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April 7 :: More words of encouragement. I am blessed. Thank you.