October 16 :: p365 :: year 34 day 353 :: P is for…perpetually pissed off port. It NEVER gives a blood draw on the first attempt. Thankfully today it gave in on the second try.October 17 :: p365 :: year 34 day 354 :: Q is for….quiet. I can not fall asleep in a perfectly quiet room. I must have fan noise, the a/c running or a white noise app. Something, otherwise my brain focuses on everything’s nv but sleep.October 18 :: p365 :: year 34 day 355 :: R is for…receipts. This is what happens when I avoid my computer for several days. Moneydance and I will become best friends today.October 19 :: p365 :: year 34 day 356 :: S is for…style. Plain is not allowed around here. Except in my wardrobe, that needs some spicing up.October 20 :: p365 :: year 34 day 357 :: T is for…torture. Running is torture. Will it ever become easy again?October 21 :: p365 :: year 34 day 358 :: U is for….upstairs. Another day, another physical therapy session for J.October 22 :: p365 :: year 34 day 359 :: V is for…view. My view on my run this morning.October 23 :: p365 :: year 34 day 360 :: W is for…work. Trying to get my desktop ADD under control so I can actually work.October 24 :: p365 :: year 34 day 361 :: X is for…eXhausted. Long, good day.October 25 :: p365 :: year 34 day 362 :: Y is for…yum. Yes, we totally drove 2 hours for this.October 26 :: p365 :: year 34 day 363 :: Z is for…zero. Zero people in the waiting room and we are still. Waiting.October 27 :: p365 :: year 34 day 364 :: One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do. So, I must eat you.October 28 :: p365 :: year 34 day 365 :: Two. Two ER trips. Two doctors visits. Two sick people. One DONE Mommy. DONE with this week. And DONE with this p365 project. FINALLY. Tomorrow, I turn 35.