August 21 :: p365 :: year 34 day 297 :: I love finding new hole in the wall places on date night. I almost don’t want to share this hidden jewel.August 22 :: p365 :: year 34 day 298 :: Today has been insanely long. Optometry, base errands, breakfast, physical therapy, grocery shopping, lunch, post office, swim, ear piercing and dinner. Yep, Jacey finally got up the courage to get her 2nd holes, with her best friend at her side for moral support. :-)August 23 :: p365 :: year 34 day 299 :: People are always sort of surprised when we say we only have one child. They say, “I’m sorry” like it is a bad thing. Why? Just like big families, ours is perfect for us. And when we get the urge to have more, we just borrow them. :-)August 24 :: p365 :: year 34 day 300 :: I was supposed to be playing catch up on blog posts, instead I got side tracked revamping the blog. I swear I have adult onset ADD.August 25 :: p365 :: year 34 day 301 :: How can she be in 7th grade already?August 26 :: p365 :: year 34 day 302 :: Round 6. Last round. Finally.August 27 :: p365 :: year 34 day 303 :: I guess the steroids actually have some pros. They make me irritable and unable to sleep but at least I have enough energy to cook a kick butt dinner 2 nights in a row. My family better appreciate it while they can, because in a day or two, I’ll be lucky to get out of bed and downstairs.August 28 :: p365 :: year 34 day 304 :: I’m officially done with chemo!August 29 :: p365 :: year 34 day 305 :: Trying to get *something, anything* to taste good. I’m starving, but chemo makes everything taste…blech.August 30 :: p365 :: year 34 day 306 :: Too foggy to focus. I dare anyone to try and tell me #chemobrain isn’t real.August 31 :: p365 :: year 34 day 307 :: Plenty of time still, no excuses. Mmmmmm’kay. ;-)September 1 :: p365 :: year 34 day 308 :: Family movie and pizza night.September 2 :: p365 :: year 34 day 309 :: 21st century torture device.September 3 :: p365 :: year 34 day 310 :: This is what happens when Lacey has down days, you can no longer see the desk. It makes me so crazy to work through mess, that I almost think the break isn’t worth it.September 4 :: p365 :: year 34 day 311 :: Don’t let that gorgeous sky fool you, it is still as hot as hades here.September 5 :: p365 :: year 34 day 312 :: Breathe.September 6 :: p365 :: year 34 day 313 :: My sweet, sweet girl making me one of her “perfect grilled cheese” sandwiches for lunch.September 7 :: p365 :: year 34 day 314 :: I’ll be back, tomorrow. Bahahaha.September 8 :: p365 :: year 34 day 315 :: Holy humid hell. It was miserable this morning. This week is walking, back to running next week. Gotta get this chemo weight plus off again.September 9 :: p365 :: year 34 day 316 :: Be ya didn’t know this was on my running playlist. “Weird Al” cracks me up!