You are CONSTANTLY under a microscope. ESPECIALLY when seeing new doctors. Last month I fired my oncologist and…

Grateful Friday +1
1. The damage to my truck was very minimal and they found the other girl at fault, even…

Thursday Thirteen – Thirteen Things I Did/Accomplished This Week
Thirteen Things I Did/Accomplished This Week (small beans to some, huge to this super tired girl) 1. Drove…

Grateful Friday
1. Movie and pizza night with the family. We played hookie from swim and it was pure bliss!…

Grateful Friday
1. The backyard is *almost* finished. We just have to finish planting 9 more plants and then we…

Grateful Friday
1. Date nights with my love. 2. The yard is *almost* done. 3. Friendship. 4. Family nights. 5….

Thurday Thirteen
Thirteen Things On My “Bucket List” 1. Go skydiving (after Jacey is grown). 2. Go back to Paris…

4 years ago when I participated in my very first Relay for Life after my cancer diagnosis, I…

Grateful Friday
1. Date nights with my love. 2. Naps. 3. The patio cover is FINALLY up and cleared by…

Thursday Thirteen – Thirteen Products I Love & Would Hate to Live Without
Thirteen Products I Love & Would Hate to Live Without 1. Apple MacBook Pro 2. Apple iPhone 3….