swim team diva
Jacey has a history of trying an activity and not liking it. I am the type of parent that makes her finish a season, but so far nothing that she has tried stuck. Not dance, gymnastics, soccer, t-ball, cheerleading, choir, drama…none of it. This fall, she wanted to try softball but by the time she got home from Texas, there wasn’t time to get her signed up, equipment bought and off to tryouts. Then she said soccer. Not appealing to me at all. I spent 2 seasons as a soccer Mom and was about ready to pull my hair out from all the whining about having to run all the time.
For years I have tried to talk her into swim team. She loves to swim, has the perfect build for it and while she isn’t “legal” in her stroke, she is a very strong swimmer. Her excuse was always that she didn’t just want to swim laps, that was no fun. This year she finally caved. I am still not sure if she said yes because she was finally ready to try it or if she just wanted me to get off her back about it. Who knows.
But guess what happened….she LOVES it! She is even already talking about swimming on up through high school and getting a swim scholarship to college.
I love it, because it takes me back to my roots. Lifeguarding, teaching swim lessons and coaching swim team are what paid my way through college. Jacey didn’t realize that, but now when I give her advice about swimming, she actually listens. This, coming from the child that I had to pay for lessons for, because she wouldn’t listen to Mommy.
Free is definitely going to be “her” event. She consistently passes the other kids up during warm ups and drills. We’re still working on legal form and breathing but the power is there.
(The day I videoed this, it was after an hour long practice and she was tired but appeasing me. They had just tried flip turns for the very first time that day, so it is comical to watch.)

LOL, I love the smile she gave you before the turn!
My sister could own the pool with the free and the butterfly. I really admire people that can do that! Personally, I was more at home on the springboard. Good luck to your daughter!