#53 is NOT complete (101 in 1001)
53. Renew our vows at 10 years (July 31, 2009).
So, my second fail…sigh. We had every intention of renewing our vows at 10 years but life got in the way. Such is life sometimes…right?!
See the rest of my list here.

I just happened across your blog and wanted to say “hi”. I LOVE your 101 list! Looks like you’ve gotten a great start :)
I’m adding you to my fellow 101 links page (hope that’s ok). A fellow 101er and I started an online community for people doing the 101 in 1001 and we’d love for you to join! You can check it out at http://dayzero.ning.com.
Good luck with your list! I’m looking forward to following your journey!