So, I am 28 now. Is it sad that I had to actually stop and figure out how old I am now?
This morning, I got up and went to work as per the norm. Bryan and Jacey took me out to dinner at Old Mexico since that sounded good to me (the only other thing that sounded good was seafood and we are having that Friday for Jacey’s birthday). I had previously gotten my new camera bag, ipod nano, etc (see a few posts back) so I hadn’t let Bryan and Jacey *get* me anything else…well, Jacey was not at all happy about that. So, they took me shopping and got me a new work outfit, a new shirt and my fav, new shoes.
After we got home, they sang me happy birthday and we all had strawberries and creme pie….yum. It was a good, low key day.

Happy birthday, Lacey!
Happy Birthday! don’t talk about 28 like it’s so old, that will be my next birthday. And I’m not old. :-P