weekend ramblings
What a lazy weekend this has been. We had good intentions, but Jacey and I have been battling massive sinus headaches (which turned to a migraine on me) this weekend so not much has gotten done.
Friday we went to Joey Tomato’s after work and had an awesome, as usual, dinner. Then we swung by the BX and got Bryan and I both new watches and came home. I also got word that I was accepted to another CT…YAY, one of my fav designers!
Saturday, Bryan ran to the post office for me and then we attempted to weed the flowerbed. After about 45 minutes, Jacey was getting red and the heat was really getting to me, so we came in and I layed down. Bryan and Jacey ran to DQ for dinner and I honestly don’t remember anything after that.
Today, we missed church because Jacey and I both woke up again with massive headaches. Usually our allergies/sinus’ only bother us in the spring…not sure what is going on right now. Bryan went to his class up at the church and Jacey and I took naps. After, I made dinner and then sat here to try and finish up the shirt designs for a scrapbooking retreat in November. I have been friends with these ladies online for what, 4 years now and can’t wait to meet them in person. If you want to take a peek at the designs, they are here. Now, I am about to jump in the shower and sit down with Bryan and some ice cream. Ice cream ALWAYS makes me feel better…LOL:-)

Congrats on the CT!! That is really cool!! YOu do super work!!
Hope you are feeling better.