June 15 :: Yeah, that’s gonna hurt.

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June 14 :: Just breathe.

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June 13 :: If you need me, I’ll be answering to “Lindsey” today.

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June 12 :: Unexpected reminders of my blessings. Thank you.

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June 11 :: Back in my chair, fighting sleep again. At least I cleaned the kitchen before sitting…

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June 10 :: So utterly exhausted this week. I finally made my way upstairs to bed, after taking…

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June 9 :: Yes. Yes it does. Thank you dear friend, for not sugar coating. I <3 you!

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June 8 :: You might be a #photog if…your cup holders are now camera holders.

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June 7 :: Goodbye Things for Mac, hello TickTick. I just might be in love.

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June 6 :: 101 degrees at 7pm and it is only early June. This might finally be the…

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June 5 :: I was so exhausted yesterday from not sleeping Tuesday night (stupid steroids), I even slept…

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June 4 :: And just like that, she’s officially a 7th grader. These pictures are deceiving though, it…

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June 3 :: Day 1 of round 3 of chemo. Trucking along.

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June 2 :: Foo-foo drink of choice…grande in a venti cup vanilla bean frappe nonfat milk extra whip….

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June 1 :: Today was National Cancer Survivors Day. While I don’t know what my life looks like…

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May 31 :: He says he doesn’t have a romantic bone in his body, I beg to differ….

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May 30 :: The sound of water and fish swimming about is so relaxing to me. I only…

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May 29 :: Dessert before dinner. Breaking the rules once in a while is good for the soul.

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May 28 :: Today was just a gray day. No good reason, it just was.

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May 27 :: I came. I conquered.