1. 1 week of this TDY down, only what seems like a bazillion more to go. 2. New…

Grateful Friday
1. Surgery went well and so far recovery is too. 2. Friends that offer help, bring meals, etc…

Grateful Friday
1. Menu is made, groceries are bought and I don’t have to go back until after Bryan leaves…

Grateful Friday
1. We found a pet door we think will work for Zoey and our ginormous sliding patio door….

Grateful Saturday…sigh
1. Seeing the miracle of Christ’s birth played out every year at Christmastime. It never gets old and…
Grateful Friday
1. A nice relaxing picnic lunch with Bryan today, overlooking the water. 2. Jacey is feeling better (back…
Grateful Friday
1. I don’t have to go anywhere this weekend and can just chill at home while Fay moves…
Grateful Friday
1. I am healing well with no surgery complications thus far…I was a bit worried about it with…
Grateful Friday
1. I managed to get through the week without biting anyone’s head off or strangling anyone…it was a…