I just wanted to take a minute and say thank you to all of you who stop by,…
subscribe to me
I added a subscription service to my blog for those of you interested. It is in the sidebar…
We’re going…
on a trip in our favorite rocket ship Zoomin’ through the skies, Little Einstein’s! Sorry, got a bit…
V-day quiz
Your Candy Heart Says “Cutie Pie” You always seem to have a hot date, even though you never…
sick baby
I got 2 layouts done tonight while I was up. Jacey is sick and I didn’t figure it…
those darn {duh} moments
posted on a local freecycle list I am a member of … i have a bunch of boxes…
{the great haircut debate}
Okay, anyone who knows me, knows I am NEVER satisfied with my hair….short, long, brown, blonde, even cranberry…you…
cyber crop
We have been having a cyber crop on my scrapbooking list and while I haven’t gotten as much…
happy bunny?
you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You adorable, but a little out there. It’s alright, you…
Silly Stuff
1.My Porn Star Name: (name of first pet + first street you lived on): Sven Locust 2.My Movie…
Sleep is overrated or so I would like to think….ahhh. I have been sleeping horribly here lately, waking…
Never thought it would start this young, but take a peek at this picture that Jacey took. Aren’t…
I love rain…I don’t like having to get out in it but I love the sound of it…
5 Finger Prayer
Nana Rita sent this to us and I thought it was pretty cool. Nice reminder:-) 1. Your thumb…
How do you make a Lacey?
This quiz did weird things to my blog, so I don’t suggest you actually copy their code. What…
Grateful Friday
1. no specific plans for this weekend…for once:-) 2. Bryan…he is just a wonderful guy 3. that I…
The Birth Order Predictor
Found this on Jen’s blog and thought I would do it. It was WAY off seeing as I…
Tag You’re It!
Well, Sarah got me, so here goes:-) —————– The tagged victim lists 8 different points of their perfect…
People {among other stuff}
{this is a vent, normally I would apologize in advance but, this is my blog so I don’t…
What scrapbooking item are you?
You are PAPER! You are an all natural basic person who likes to act as a foundation to…